Department of Transport services unavailable
Due to maintenance work on the 4G network by Telstra in the region, we are currently unable to process any Department of Transport transactions.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will provide updates as soon as we receive them from Telstra.


(08) 9780 5255 for both Margaret River and Augusta Shire Offices


[email protected]

For non urgent works, maintenance, concerns or requests, you can use our Report It/Request It form.

You an also submit enquiries, feedback or complaints online.

Margaret River

Street address: 41 Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River
Postal address: PO Box 61 Margaret River WA 6285
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm


Street address: 66 Allnut Terrace, Augusta
Postal address: PO Box 61 Margaret River WA 6285 
Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm

Issue Contact
Life threatening emergencies or fires 000
Emergencies related to fire, natural disasters and incidents threatening life and property DFES
1300 657 209
Fallen tree(s) or flooding Shire Works Depot
Week days: 9780 5646 (7am - 4pm)
Urgent: 0409 805 255
After hours: 0409 805 255
Fallen trees on Bussell Hwy (except townsites), Caves Road, Sues Road or Brockman Hwy Main Roads
138 138
Non emergency police issue WA Police
131 444
Marine incidents Emergencies: 000
WA Police: 131 444
Radio Channel 80
Structural damage or water inundation SES
132 500
Power outages or power lines down Western Power
131 351
Gas faults Alinta Gas
131 352
Water faults Water Corporation
131 375
Crisis Care 1800 199 008
Weather information and warnings Bureau of Meteorology

Reporting flood/storm damage or damage to road infrastructure and public facilities

For out of hours issues of an urgent nature – flooding, storm damage and dangerous road obstructions call or text 0409 805 255.

This number is staffed between 4pm and 7am, Monday-Friday and 24 hours Saturday/Sunday and Public Holidays.

*Important note: This number is only for after hours emergency issues only. Please do not call this number for general enquiries such as holiday parks information or ranger inquiries. Contact the Shire during normal hours for all other matters. Non-urgent works requests can be lodged via the Report It/Request It form.

*During severe weather events, immediate assistance may be unavailable due to health and safety considerations of Shire workers.

Reporting a dog attack or wandering stock

Shire Rangers will respond to emergencies after hours for dog attacks and wandering stock only.  Contact the Shire during normal hours for all other matters.

The after hours number is (08) 9780 5695.

If you find a sick, injured or orphaned wildlife please contact Parks & Wildlife Rangers on (08) 9474 9055.

Hard copies of correspondence, documents, and other materials for Councillors can be submitted to Customer Services officers at our Shire offices in Margaret River and Augusta.

Ensure all items are clearly marked for the intended Councillor(s). If your materials are confidential or private, please label them accordingly.

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