The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Margaret River Library will be closed for 3 days (11-13 March) for a hardware upgrade.

Location of dog exercise areas

Find out about dog exercise areas, including dog friendly beaches, parks and reserves where you can walk your dog off lead.

The following provides the locations of dog exercise areas in the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. 

Important notes
1. In public spaces, dogs are required to be on a lead at all times, except within a designated dog exercise area. When using these areas, dogs can be off lead. However, they must be under effective control at all times. Penalties apply for non-compliance.

2. Nippers Oval is a dual use park. It is available for dog exercising when not being used for sport. Check availability at the Margaret River Recreation Centre website.

Dog exercise areas:
Dog prohibited areas: 
  • Prevelly Beach, north of White Elephant Cafe to Georgette Way beach access footpath. 
  • Gnarabup Beach, from Reef Drive point (south end of Back Beach Dog Exercise Area) to Gas Bay.
  • Rfilebutts Reserve, children’s playground area.

Dog exercise areas:
Dog prohibited areas:

Dog exercise areas:
Dog prohibited areas:

Dog exercise areas:

Dog exercise areas:

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