We’re working together with Rangers from the Undalup Association to protect two important sites along Wooditjup Bilya (Margaret River).
These sites are the Yalgardup Falls on Kevill Road and the Margaret River Mouth. Both picturesque areas have significant Aboriginal cultural and environmental values. Over time they’ve become degraded due to lots of people visiting them.
A team of four Undalup Rangers, Meeka Rees, Joe Burgess-Adams, Kaylene Gray and Josie Percival, recently spent a week working at the sites, removing weeds and planting over 1,000 local, mixed, native seedlings to help improve biodiversity.
Looking after Country together, especially along the river is important. When we work together in collaboration to look after it, we can keep it a healthy environment that we can all enjoy.
The coastal revegetation works by the Rangers included restoring dune areas and defining the coastal walkway access path, which are part of our Prevelly Gnarabup Foreshore Management Plan.
The partnership with the Undalup Rangers stems from a long-standing relationship with local Wadandi Elders and Traditional Custodians. The landscaping at the waterfall was planned carefully in consultation with Traditional Custodians, to preserve the biodiversity, Aboriginal heritage and the landscape values of this site.
Please keep an eye out for ‘Rehabilitation Area’ signs that have been installed at the sites.
The project was partly funded by a CoastWest Grant (Margaret River Mouth) and the Shire (both sites).