JDAP Application – Extractive Industry - 9730 (Lot 22) Caves Road, Hamelin Bay

JDAP Application – Extractive Industry - 9730 (Lot 22) Caves Road, Hamelin Bay

The proposal is to allow lime sand and limestone extraction on the site to a maximum depth of 30m AHD.

  • The proposed development is estimated to yield approximately 1,314,489m3 of raw material.
  • The requested approval time is a period of 10 years.
  • A 60m setback is proposed from Caves Road.
  • A maximum of 15 truck movements proposed per day.
  • Hours of operation proposed Mon-Fri – 7:00am to 5:00pm and Sat: 7:00am to 1:00pm.
Read the full proposal on the Shire's Your Say Page, including information if you wish to make a formal submission.
19 Sep 2024 Topic Type
Public Notice
Augusta, Karridale and Kurdardup
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