The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.


Under the Local Government (Functions & General) Regulations 1996, public tenders must be invited for purchases with an expected value of more than $250,000. The Shire may also call for public tenders under the $250,000 threshold if it believes that in doing so, a better outcome shall be attained for the Shire.

Tender opportunities are advertised via TenderLink.

Tenders are also advertised state-wide in The West Australian newspaper on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and locally in the Augusta Margaret River Times newspaper on Fridays. 

Regional price preference

A price preference is given to tenderers who are based in, operate from or source goods or services from within the Shire of Augusta Margaret River boundaries in relation to tenders for provision of goods, services and construction (building) services.

This price preference is outlined in our Regional Price Preference Policy and enables local tenderers to be evaluated as if their proposed tender bid price were reduced in accordance with the limits outlined in the policy.


We operate a decentralised purchasing system, whereby each Shire department has buyers who are responsible for purchasing goods, services and works. In line with our Purchasing Policy, quotations are sought based on the following thresholds:

  • Purchases below $15,000 -  at least one quote
  • Purchases between $15,001 and $50,000 - at least two written quotes
  • Purchases between $50,001 and $250,000 - at least three written quotes.

Purchase orders

If you are successful with your quotation or tender, you will be required to provide us with information so we can add you into our purchasing system. You will be provided with a purchase order.

You should not commence any works, or provide goods or services, until a purchase order has been provided to you. This purchase order number is essential to ensure prompt payment, and must be referenced on your invoice.

A purchase order constitutes a contract between you and the Shire, and the Purchase Terms and Conditions (see below).


For all tenders, and for quotations of a higher value or risk, you will be required to enter into a formal contract - in addition to agreeing to the purchase order terms and conditions - prior to any activities being undertaken. 

The proposed Conditions of Contract will be specified in the Request for Quotation/Tender document, and will generally be based on one of the proformas examples below.

Please note that we also utilise the Australian Standards General Conditions of Contract for Major Works and Consultancy Services, which are available to purchase from the SAI Global website.

More information and contact

For further questions, please contact our Project Management and Procurement Officer for more information on our tender process, please email

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