Reducing water consumption in the home is a simple and easy way to decrease water and energy bills and lessen your household’s impact on the environment.

Conserving water resources, even in areas without shortages, reduces the need to build dams or extract water from rivers, decreases wastewater produced and treated at sewage plants, lowers energy requirements for treating and transporting water and wastewater, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The following websites provides useful tips and resources on how to reduce your water use.

Waterwise advice

Water Corporation, through its Waterwise Program, provides a wealth of useful tips, articles and advice on how you can save water, including where you can save water:

  • In the home eg. kitchen bathroom, toilet
  • Outdoors eg. garden, lawn care
  • While you are on holidays

You can sort articles by season, category or cost of outlay.

To find our more visit WaterCorp – Waterwise advice

Waterwise plants

Plants suited to our climate need less water, are low maintenance and will look great in your garden. Use the directory to find out which waterwise plants will grow best where you live.

Water Corporation provide details advice on what plants are best suited to our region. You can search the database by suburb, plant name, availability, garden type and more.

To find out more visit Water Corporation – Waterwise plants

Waterwise products

Waterwise products can help you save water when you shower, wash your clothes, water your garden, wash your hands, the list goes on. Small changes in your home can go a long way to help you save water and make your household more waterwise.

Water Corporation provide advice on waterwise products for use in your garden, pool or spa, indoor plumbing and more.

To find our more, visit Water Corporation – Waterwise products

Waterwise offers and rebates

From time to time, Water Corporation provides financial incentives and offers to reduce your water use. To find our ore visit Water Corporation – Waterwise offer

Waterwise businesses and development

Find out about Water Corporations programs to help businesses and developers to reduce their water use. Visit Water Corporation – Waterwise programs to find out about:

  • Waterwise businesses
  • Waterwise building program
  • Waterwise developments

Guide to environmentally sustainable homes

Your Home is the Australian government’s guide to environmentally sustainable homes. The website provides useful and practical advice on reducing your water use both indoors and outdoors.

Visit Your Home – Water to find out about:

  • Reducing water use
  • Rainwater collection and use
  • Wastewater reuse
  • Stormwater
  • Outdoor water use
  • Waterless toilets

Water ratings and efficiency standards

The national Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme gives consumers information about the water efficiency of various products. By choosing water-efficient products, an average house could save around $120 in reduced water bills each year and $120 in energy costs by reducing hot water use.

To find our more visit the WELS website.

Watering days

Find out about watering days for your property, including how to apply for an exemption or report a breach. 

To find out more visit Water Corporation – Watering days

Learn about WA and climate change

The effects of climate change are being felt across all of Western Australia in several ways, making water conservation and waterwise habits vital. To find out how the environment around you and your community is being impacted visit Water Corporation – Our water

Find out about the Shire’s approach to energy, climate change and water.

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