Cuppa with a Councillor - October and November

The October and November Cuppa with a Councillor events have been announced for Wednesday, 19 October and Wednesday 16 November 2022 from 10am – 12pm.

Community members are invited to attend an informal chat and share their questions, issues, suggestions, or views over a hot drink with Shire Councillors.

The sessions taking place on Wednesday, 19 October at YardByrd Café in Witchcliffe will be with Shire President Paula Cristoffanini and Cr Brian Daniel and at White Elephant Café in Gnarabup with Cr David Binks and Cr Kylie Kennaugh.

The events occurring on Wednesday, 16 November will occur at Gracies General Store in Gracetown with Shire President Paula Cristoffanini and Cr Tracey Muir and at The Berry Farm in Rosa Glen with Cr Brian Daniel and Cr Kylie Kennaugh.

The Cuppa with a Councillor initiative has been running at cafes across towns within the Shire of Augusta Margaret River in 2022, with plans to continue in 2023.

Sessions in Augusta, Cowaramup and Margaret River have already occurred in August and September this year giving the community an opportunity for an informal chat with their elected representatives.

Locals are encouraged to book a time for a ten-minute chat by SMS or by calling the relevant Councillor. Contact numbers for the sessions are listed below:

Councillor Contact Details:

October Sessions                                                      
Cr Paula Cristoffanini: 0423 028 295                        
Cr Brian Daniel: 0427 384 421                                   
Cr David Binks: 0403 437 516                                   
Cr Kylie Kennaugh: 0419 906 158                              

November Sessions
Cr Paula Cristoffanini: 0423 028 295
Cr Tracey Muir: 0400 095 696
Cr Brian Daniel: 0427 384 421
Cr Kylie Kennaugh: 0419 906 158                                    

19 Sep 2022 Topic Type
General News
Gracetown, Margaret River, Prevelly and Gnarabup, Witchcliffe
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