Removal of Invasive Weeds on the River Foreshore
The Shire has engaged a contractor to undertake manual removal of invasive environmental weeds from a river foreshore site in Margaret River.The location of the works is between Bussell Highway and the Rotary Park footbridge, on the north and south sides of the river within the fenced foreshore zone. The works are in accordance with the Margaret River Precinct Plan (2021-2030) and Wooditjup Bilya Precinct Community Plan (2023).
Weeds to be removed will include Vinca major, Genista linifolia, and Pittosporum undulatum. Weeds will be manually removed using hand tools only.
The site will be monitored over summer and autumn, with planting of local native seedlings planned in late Autumn/early Winter 2024.
The weed control works will commence on Wednesday 29 November and will continue for approximately one week.
For more information about these works, please contact Hayley Bain, Senior Environment and Landcare Officer at [email protected] or on 9780 5218.
Image: Vinca major
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