Rosa Brook Road – Works Update

A significant scope of works on a section of Rosa Brook Road within the townsite is set to commence in November.

These works aim to improve and upgrade the road pavement and running surface, including major drainage upgrades.

The works will be completed on the kerbed section of Rosa Brook Road, close to the townsite, commencing West of the Crozier Road intersection and East of the Darnell Road intersection.

As a part of the works being undertaken, the Shire will be installing pit and pipe drainage and filling in open drains on the South side of Rosa Brook Road to allow for a two-metre shoulder behind the road kerb.

Shire contractors will be replacing all existing kerbing on this section of Rosa Brook Road and will also construct new mountable kerbing in front of all driveways and crossovers including private access points. 

Shire Works crews and contractors will work with residents to ensure property access is maintained as far as practicable.

The new road kerbing is a critical part of the design and allows for the successful placement of a new 40mm asphalt overlay. 

This new asphalt overlay will extend to both ends of the kerbed road through the townsite and will include road pavement repairs in isolated sections identified through consultation with a specialist pavement engineer and consultant.

Road upgrades will also include the intersections with Crozier Road and Darnell Road which will both be rebuilt and sealed for the first 20 metres to allow for safe maintenance grading of these side roads.

At the same time as these works, the Shire will work with the Rosa Brook Bush Fire Brigade to formalise and seal the access to the volunteer fire station. 

Works on Rosa Brook Road are scheduled to commence in November 2022. No significant native vegetation will be cleared as part of these works.

The road and drainage upgrades being conducted in Rosa Brook are a part of the 2022-2023 Schedule of Capital Works and is jointly funded by the shire and Regional Road Group (Main Roads).

Anyone interested in finding out more is encouraged to attend the Public Information Session on Tuesday, 8 November 2022 from 4.30 to 5.30pm at the Rosa Brook Town Hall or contact Phil Lantzke, Works Coordinator [email protected]u or 9780 5658
01 Nov 2022 Topic Type
General News
Margaret River
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