Our Senior Environment Officer Merryn Delaney was recently joined by Shire President Paula Cristoffanini and Councillor Kylie Kennaugh for a tour of the river walk trail and community nursery in Augusta.
Guided by volunteers from the Augusta Coast and Landcare Group and Augusta Community Nursery along the picturesque trail that runs along the riverbank, it was clear to see all of the hard work that these groups have done over the years.
With the support of the Shire, the volunteers have rehabilitated and maintained numerous Shire bushland and foreshore reserve areas since 2008. This has resulted in enhancing and restoring important riparian and bushland habitat for native fauna species. The restoration of the river walk trail has improved the ecological corridor along the river and has created a beautiful natural walk for both locals and visitors to enjoy.
These Shire volunteers are involved in weed control and planting of local native seedlings. What’s really special is that the seedlings are sourced from their own local seed collection and propagation at the Augusta Community Nursery. These volunteer groups, supported through the Shire’s Friends of Reserve Program, play an integral part to the care and conservation of our reserves.
A big thank you to the Augusta volunteers for all their dedicated and valuable environmental work that they carry out every week.