The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.


This Statement of Purchasing Ethics provides guidance for all sectors of the community when providing goods and/or services to the Shire of Augusta Margaret River (the ‘Shire’). It outlines the Shire’s standards and our expectation that goods and service providers will comply with these standards in all their dealings with the Shire.

This statement also outlines what goods and service providers can expect of the Shire.

Our key purchasing principles

The Shire and its employees shall observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in undertaking purchasing activities and act in an honest and professional manner. All parties will be treated equitably, consistently, impartially and fairly. 

All purchasing activities shall comply with relevant legislation, regulations, the Shire’s policies and be free from bias. Full documentation and accountability will be taken for purchasing decisions to ensure the efficient, effective and proper expenditure of public monies. 

The Shire is committed to ensuring support for local business development in all purchasing. The Shire through its procurement policies and procedures, where possible, encourages the use of suppliers, goods, services and staff sourced from within the Region.

The Shire will procure goods and services that offer the best value for money. Best value for money does not automatically mean the lowest price. Rather, the Shire will balance all relevant factors including initial cost, whole-of-life cost, quality, reliability, sustainability and timeliness in determining true value for money. 

The Shire is committed to sustainable procurement and where appropriate shall endeavour to design tenders and quotations to provide an advantage to goods, services and/or processes that minimise negative social, environmental and economic impacts. Sustainable considerations will be balanced against best value for money outcomes. 

What you can expect from the Shire  

The Shire will ensure that all its policies, procedures and practices relating to tendering, quotations, contracting and the purchase of goods and services are consistent with industry leading practice, the highest standards of ethical conduct and legislative requirements.

Our employees are bound by the Shire’s Code of Conduct.

What we require of you  

The Shire requires all providers of goods and services to observe the following principles when doing business with the Shire:

  • Comply with all Australian Laws, including Western Australian Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022
  • Take all reasonable measures to prevent disclosure of our Shire’s confidential information or information considered confidential by the Shire. All Shire information must be treated as confidential unless otherwise indicated
  • Gain an understanding of the Shire’s policies, guidelines and procedures relating to purchasing, including an understanding of this Statement
  • All contracted and subcontracted employees are expected to comply with this Statement. If you employ subcontractors in your work for the Shire, you must make them aware of this Statement
  • Provide accurate and reliable advice and information when invited or required
  • In business relationships with the Shire, parties will respect each other’s intellectual property rights and will formally negotiate any access, licence or use of intellectual property
  • Declare actual or perceived conflicts of interests as soon as you or your employees become aware of the conflict
  • Act ethically, fairly and honestly in all your dealings with the Shire
  • Do not engage in any form of collusive practice, including offering Shire employees or Councillors inducements or incentives designed to influence the conduct of their duties, including canvassing of Councillors and Shire employees during a purchasing process or when engaged in Contract with the Shire
  • Demonstrate a regard for the local economy and a supply chain that supports local business development
  • Do not discuss Shire business or information by making public comment in the media or to other individuals and organisations
  • Assist the Shire to prevent unethical practices in business relationships by reporting such practices.

Why is compliance important?

By complying with the Shire’s Statement of Purchasing Ethics, you will be able to advance your business objectives and interests in a fair and ethical manner. As all Shire suppliers of goods and services are required to comply with this Statement, compliance will not disadvantage you in any way.

You should also be aware of the consequences of not complying with the Shire’s ethical requirements when doing business with the Shire. Improper or unethical conduct could lead to a contract not being awarded, termination of contract or loss of future work with the Shire. Overall business reputation can also be detrimentally affected if corrupt and criminal behaviour is made public.

Complying with the Shire’s purchasing principles will also prepare your business for dealing with the ethical requirements of other local governments and public sector agencies should you choose to do business with them.

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