We welcome vibrant townsites! 

In response to feedback from business owners and Margaret River main street traders, the Shire is trialling a streamlined permits approach through to 31 March 2025.  

This trial forms part of a wider effort by the Shire to support local businesses and enrich the experience for residents and visitors alike.

During this period of time the Shire is waiving permit fees.

What this means for businesses 

Business owners throughout the Shire can now apply for a simple permit to use the space immediately in front of their premises for different kinds of temporary activities that include items put out and brought in daily, like tables and chairs for alfresco dining, displays of goods for sale, etc. The space can be arranged in a way to suit the business.

While our previous guidelines recommended activities to occur on the kerbside, we're easing these constraints for the trial period.

There are Local Laws that dictate the requirement for permits when commercial use is made of public land. These are partly about ensuring commercial interests don’t come at the expense of public amenity. In particular, we are concerned with:

Accessibility – as a multi-year winner of the Most Accessible Regional Town Award, we take accessibility seriously and want to make sure that all members of our community can navigate the street without facing obstacles.

Safety – we need to ensure that furniture and other additions to the public space are designed in a way that they don’t add inadvertent risks.  

Townsite character – the Shire administers the general community will around how our townsites develop, balancing growing population and demands with sense of place and character.

Compliance with other regulations – the Shire is responsible for administering State Government regulations.

  1. Make sure your site plan and Public Liability Insurance certificate is ready to upload
  2. Read the permit conditions 
  3. Lodge your application form
  4. Get active!

So long as you supply all the relevant details and agree to the terms and conditions, your approval will be straight away! If you want to vary from the standard conditions you will need to contact the Shire’s Economic Development Team for advice (9780 5255 or [email protected]).

Note that if you provide alcohol service you will need separate approval from Racing, Gaming, Liquor, which may affect your timeframe for implementing alfresco.

To apply for a permit: Carefully read the guidelines related to the permit type below, and then click the Apply button!

Alfresco permits

Alfresco dining offers a great opportunity to increase vibrancy and atmosphere on our main streets, and help show off your hospitality to pedestrians. With fees now waived and a single online application form, get started by reading the guidelines below. 

The permit area is limited to the zone outside your business, and for ground floor businesses only.  

The permit area must ensure that pedestrian paths are maintained at a clear width of 2 (two) metres. All pedestrians must be provided with a continuous accessible path of travel. 

Designated exits must be maintained clear of obstructions and allow patrons to efficiently exit the building and Permit area in case of emergency.

Set furniture a minimum of 0.5m from the kerb to avoid car doors and passengers exiting vehicles. 


You can accommodate one person per square metre of your alfresco permit area. For example, if your permit area is 1.5m x 10m then the 15m2 of your area allows for 15 patrons. 

Note that being granted an alfresco permit does not increase the total number of patrons allowed for your business beyond those within your current approvals. Contact the Shire to clarify your approved numbers if needed.

All furniture and equipment for the alfresco dining area must be maintained in a clean and safe condition at all times.

The furniture and equipment must not be fixed to the pavement and must be removed from the Permit Area outside approved trading hours. 

Under conditions required by Racing, Gaming and Liquor, licensed alfresco dining areas must clearly defined with physical barriers, and details submitted within the application. We encourage non-licensed alfresco areas to also consider clearly delineating their permit area to alert pedestrians with visibility impairments of potential furniture obstacles. 

The Permit Holder agrees to indemnify the Shire of Augusta Margaret River in respect of any injury of any person or any damage to any property which may occur in connection with use of the public place as an outdoor eating area.

Treat the street with care, especially when moving tables and other furniture. You will be responsible for any costs associated with damage to the public place arising from your commercial use of this space.

If you serve alcohol then you will need approval from Racing, Gaming and Liquor to extend your service within the alfresco permit area. You will also be required to clearly demarcate your alfresco area with physical barriers.

  1. Ensure your Alfresco Permit from the Shire has been saved as a PDF.
  2. Log into the Racing, Gaming and Liquor portal.
  3. In the menu bar at the top of the page click on New Lodgement to locate the online application forms.
  4. From the drop down menu select the Group as Liquor and then the Type as Ongoing Extended Trading Permit. Click on Submit to start the form.
  5. Upload all required documentation.

Note: Council reserves the right to withdraw approval for your alfresco permit should you breach the terms and conditions contained in the permit. 


Get started

These fast-tracked permits allow the use of temporary alfresco furniture on the footpath to support your business during its operating hours. All application forms shall be accompanied by: 

  • Site Plan showing business location, footpath, tables and chairs, any other items such as pot plants, kerb and road/car parks, and setback distances (e.g. between kerb and edge of tables) clearly labelled.
  • Proof of up-to-date public indemnity insurance to the minimum value of $20 million.

Download the permit T&Cs

Example Site Plan - My Cafe

Apply Now!

A-frame sign permit

If you’d like to use a portable A-frame sign to promote your business please read the conditions below.

Signs must be placed on the road verge on the same side of the road as the shop or business to which it relates and directly in front of the shop or business to which it relates. Signs placed further afield will be removed. Signs placed in the median strip will also be removed.

To keep a continuous accessible walkway, signs placed within the road reserve must ensure pedestrian paths are maintained at a clear width of 2 (two) metres. 

Signs should only be displayed in suitable weather conditions where they will not pose a risk to the public.

Sign dimensions must be no greater than 0.8m high by 0.6m wide (may be a double-faced sign).

Keep our street awesome, and construct and maintain to a high standard (quality materials, a high standard of sign writing and colours and designs sympathetic location or recognised themes).

No illumination allowed.

The Permit Holder agrees to indemnify the Shire of Augusta Margaret River of any damages arising from placement of the sign within the road reserve and be fully responsible for providing public liability insurance for the sign. 

Note: The Shire is not responsible for any damage to or theft of the sign; the Shire retains the right to remove any signs without a permit or a sign that does not comply with permit conditions;
image of a-frame sign

Get started

These fast-tracked permits allow the installation of 1 (one) small A-frame sign to promote your business. All application forms shall be accompanied by: 

  • Site Plan showing location of the sign on the footpath, distance from the kerb and from the building front, distance from your business premises.
  • Proof of up-to-date public indemnity insurance to the minimum value of $20 million.

Download the permit T&Cs

Apply Now!

Product display and activation permit

Product display and activation can encourage greater engagement between shops and the street, helping communicate to pedestrians what your store is all about, or encourage them to linger a bit longer.

The permit area is limited to the zone outside your business, and at least 0.5m off the kerb.

Display racks and other items must be brought off the street outside of your operating hours.

To keep a continuous accessible walkway, any products or activations placed within the road reserve must ensure pedestrian paths are maintained at a clear width of 2 (two) metres.

Be careful not to create a trip hazard or block lines of sight that could cause dangerous driving conditions.

Food or drink may not be prepared, cooked or heated in the activation area unless
with the specific written approval of the Shire.

Be creative but tasteful, whether you’re displaying a basket of goods, a clothes rack, bookshelf, or seats and table with a chessboard.

Help make the street attractive – show pedestrians what you have on offer rather than use signs to tell them.

Your display must be removed from the street outside trading hours.

Make sure your display is safe. For example:
  • no sharp protruding edges
  • weighted down to stop it falling over, only put out in appropriate weather conditions
  • contrasting colours and won’t create a trip hazard 
  • won’t block lines of sight that could cause dangerous driving conditions
  • no flashing lights

Outdoor speakers, sound amplification equipment or jukeboxes (hang on, what year is it?) are not permitted without the specific written approval of the Shire.

Ensure your use of the area does not compromise the ability for the general public to
access street furniture, bins or bike racks.

The Permit Holder agrees to indemnify the Shire of Augusta Margaret River of any damages arising from placement of products, displays, or goods associated with this permit within the road reserve and be fully responsible for providing public liability insurance for their use of the space. 

Note: The Shire is not responsible for any damage to or theft of products displayed on the road reserve.
image of product display

Get Started

These fast-tracked permits allow the use of some of the footpath outside your business for activation or product display. All application forms shall be accompanied by: 

  • Site Plan showing location of your intended display on the footpath, distance from the kerb and from the building front, distance from your business premises.
  • Proof of up-to-date public indemnity insurance to the minimum value of $20 million. 

Download the permit T&Cs

Example Site Plan

Apply Now!

Planning approval for other activities

While this trial focuses on alfresco dining and street activation, other activities may still require planning approval under the Shire's Town Planning Scheme.

How the trial will be evaluated

During the trial period, we will carry out informal audits to assess the accessibility and inclusiveness of the activated spaces. This will help us determine the optimal balance between street activation and accessibility, informing future policy reviews.

We also welcome the community’s ongoing feedback about the trial, which can be addressed to [email protected].

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