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Learn how to apply for planning approval for extractive industry proposals, including the extraction of sand, gravel, clay, turf, soil, stone or similar materials, from land zoned as Priority and General.


The extractive industry involves the extraction and removal of sand, gravel, clay, turf, soil, rock, stone minerals, or similar materials. It also includes the treatment and storage of those materials. 

Applicable land zoning

Proposals will only be considered on land zoned as Priority and General. 

Extractive industries are not permitted within any other zone.

Apply for planning approval

To apply for planning approval, complete the application form and checklist below. 

Note: For larger and more complex proposals, it may be appropriate to engage a consultant to lodge an application on your behalf.

Application for Development Approval (includes Checklist) (PDF)

The checklist outlines the documentation that must be submitted with your application, including:

  • A site plan including the area of extraction  (at a scale of not less than 1:500) must be submitted and include the following:
    • Area depth and volume of extraction (existing and proposed final contours at 1m intervals)
    • Distances from lot boundaries and all dwellings and other sensitive uses within a 1km radius of the extraction site overlaid onto an aerial photo 
    • Road frontages and property access
    • Existing vegetation, wetlands and watercourses, and their distance to the proposed area of extraction
    • Area height and the volume of material and topsoil stockpiles
    • Easements, rights of carriageway, sewer/drainage lines, and power poles
    • Site plans, floor plans and elevations of any building associated with the proposal.
  • A report detailing the following:
    • Type of material to be excavated
    • Extraction method, including blasting or extraction only
    • Details of any processing of the extracted material, including screening, crushing etc
    • Days and hours of operation, including public holidays
    • Storage of chemicals
    • Estimated completion date for each stage and a final date for the closure of the extractive industry
    • Type of equipment to be used, including the size of trucks and machinery
    • Maintenance and any refuelling undertaken on site
    • Maximum number of truck movements per day
    • Total tonnes hauled annually, including a commitment to maintain logbook records
    • Details of staging (in approximate staging cells of 3 hectares)
    • Proposed haulage routes and destinations
    • Details of all access and egress, including crossover locations and upgrading works
    • Proposed road warning signage
    • Details of water sources and available volumes for dust management
    • Visual impact assessment, with particular reference to major roads, tourist routes/interest points, and surrounding properties/structures
    • Drainage implications, including surface and groundwater impacts and stormwater management measures
    • Details of the distances to known groundwater resources
    • Proposed end-use of site
    • A detailed rehabilitation plan including the types of materials, staging, the source of materials, re-contouring and details of the final ground form, the replacement of topsoil, screen planting, and re-vegetation (vegetation species and densities)
    • Details of dieback management techniques
    • Management techniques to address potential conflict with surrounding land uses and the protection of environmental attributes
    • Any other assessment the Shire may require, including Aboriginal and European Heritage considerations if within a known area of concern. Should a dwelling or sensitive land use be identified within 1km of the development site, an acoustic report is likely to be required, which demonstrates how impacts will be addressed on-site to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
    • Justification for any variation from Shire requirements.
  • A detailed statement justifying any variations from the Local Planning Scheme No. 1 and Extractive Industries Local Planning Policy. 


View Local Planning Scheme


View Extractive Industries Local Planning Policy (PDF)

A fee is payable when applying for planning approval. This fee must be paid at the time of application.

Please refer to page 24 of the Shire’s Schedule of Fees and Charges - Planning an Development to determine the applicable fee.

A Development Application Fee Calculator is available to assist you.

Ensure you submit your application with all the required fees and documentation, as outlined in the checklist at the end of the form.

You can submit your application in person or by post.

What the Shire considers

In determining an application for an extractive industry, the Shire will consider the effect the proposal will have on:

  • Native flora and fauna
  • The natural landscape
  • Groundwater quality, quantity, and use
  • Surface drainage and surface water quality
  • Sites of cultural and/or historical significance on or near the land
  • The effect of the proposal on the productive use of agricultural land
  • Traffic, noise, blasting and dust vibration on the amenity of the area
  • The ability to rehabilitate the land to a form compatible with the long-term planning for the site and surrounding area
  • The relationships of the proposal to surrounding land use.

The Shire will not permit the dumping of any material, such as building material or metal objects, on extractive industry sites or any other sites incompatible with the planned future use of the land. 

The Shire will only permit the fill of extractive industry sites with clean material that is specified in the approved rehabilitation plan.

Buffer distances from sensitive land uses

The Shire’s policy is to apply the following minimum buffer distances from sensitive land uses:

  • Quarry: not hard rock. Quarry (including blasting), crushing and screening requires a buffer distance of 1,000m
  • Quarry: not blasting. Grinding and milling works, or rock ore processing by grinding, milling or separation by sieving, aeration etc. (not hard rock). Requires a buffer distance of 500m
  • Quarry: major hard rock. Blasting, grinding and milling works, rock ore processing by grinding, milling or separation by sieving, aeration etc. Requires a buffer distance of 1,000m.

There is a general presumption against introducing sensitive land uses in proximity to extractive industries, or permitting extractive industries within proximity to sensitive land uses, which could result in an adverse effect/land use conflict unless appropriate measures can be taken to alleviate the impact. 

In considering the appropriateness of transport issues, the following will form the basis of the Shire’s assessment:

  • Proximity to and interaction with school bus routes
  • Conditions and nature of roads to be used (the proponent should liaise with Main Roads WA and the Shire’s Infrastructure section regarding the nature and extent of any potential road or intersection upgrades)
  • Impact on higher traffic volume on higher risk roads
  • Size of trucks and number of truck movements
  • Access points to the operation site
  • Existence of any other extractive industry or heavy haulage in the vicinity.

Hours of operation

Hours of operation of any extractive industry will be limited to 7am - 7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am - 1pm on Saturday. 

In addition, the Shire may further limit the hours of operation to mitigate the impacts on the amenity of a specific location. 

There is a general presumption against the approval of extractive industries in areas visually evident from major tourist routes. Extractive industries are not permitted within the Principal Ridge Protection Area and Ridge Landscape Amenity Area as designated in the Leeuwin Naturaliste Ridge Statement of Planning Policy.

State government approvals required

The Shire seeks comments and advice from relevant government agencies on extractive industry applications through the development application process.

Extractive industry proposals will need the relevant approvals and must comply with the applicable legislation, policies and guidelines of other agencies, including:

  • Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Energy
  • Department of Water and Environment Regulation
  • Environmental Protection Authority. 

For more information, refer to the following:

  • Quarry Rehabilitation Guidelines
  • Extractive Industries within Public Drinking Water Source Areas 
  • Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations
  • Dust Control Guidelines (1990): Guidelines for assessment and control of dust and windborne material for land development sites
  • Land Development Sites and Impacts on Air Quality Guidelines
  • Environmental Code of Practice for Extractive Industries. 

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