The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.

Approval for a temporary food stall or market stall

Temporary food stallholders wishing to trade at Shire approved events or markets within the shire require approval from Environmental Health at the Shire. 

Firstly, contact the market/event organiser to confirm that you are permitted to trade at their event/market. 

You then need to ensure you are registered as a food business. Temporary food stalls may operate throughout many shires, but only need to be registered with one – the local authority where the business is based.

Even if you are only selling whole fruits and vegetables and there is no food processing, you are still required to notify the Shire of your activity by submitting the food business registration / notification form.

If you hold a current Certificate of Food Business Registration or Verification of Notification certificate issued by the Shire, you do not need to complete any further applications. However, the event organiser may have other requirements, for example, public liability insurance.

Present your certificate of registration to the event organiser. 

You will need to register with the local government in which you are located.

Find out how to register your food business with the Shire.

Charity and community groups

If you are a genuine charity, sporting or community group intending to provide food to the public, you are required to notify the Shire.

Genuine charity and community groups are exempt from the fees associated with registering and operating a food business however they are subject to the same requirements regarding safe food handling and the same enforcement provisions of the Food Act 2008.

The Food Standards website provides food safety information for sausage sizzles and barbeques.

Minimum standards for a food stall 

This following guideline provides information regarding the minimum requirements for a temporary food stall at an event or markets. 

Note: Markets and events are regularly inspected by Environmental Health Officers.

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