Margaret River Library will be closed for 3 days (11-13 March) for a hardware upgrade.

Margaret River Youth Precinct Zone Room and Hall

Hire fees

TypeCost Including GST
Hourly Rate for Community and Not for Profit Groups (any booking of 3 hours or less)
Day Rate for Community and Not for Profit Groups (any booking over 3 hours)
Hourly Rate for Commercial/Government organisations (any booking of 3 hours or less)$38.00
Day Rate for Commercial/Government organisations (any booking over 3 hours)$122.00
Hourly Rate for Private Function e.g birthday parties (any booking of 3 hours or less)$38.00
Day Rate for Private Function e.g birthday parties (any booking over 3 hours)$122.00
Key replacement fee (if lost)$70.00
Professional cleaning fee (if the room is not left in the same condition as found)$250.00
Replacement costs associated with damages, loss and theftDetermined by the Shire

Alexandra Bridge Hall

Hire typeExampleCostBond
All night 5pm-12 midnight
18th or 21st birthday  Engagement party
All day 9am-5pmFete
special event
EveningIndoor games
Dinner meeting
SessionalWeekly meetings
Exercise groups

Augusta Centennial Hall

Hire typeCost
Whole complex $220
Auditorium and Foyer$132
Foyer and bar$121
Local ballet, yoga and Zumba$25 per hour

Please note: 

A bond of $500.00 is required for all user groups/activities with no alcohol present. 

A bond of $800.00 is required for all user groups/activities with alcohol present.

Cowaramup District Hall

Hire typeCostKitchenBond
Markets/displays$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Small regular uses$20 per hour$20 (N/A)N/A
Community organisations$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Local community sporting groupsFreeFree (N/A)N/A
Large commercial$500 per day$50 (N/A)$500
Events/bands (no alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$200
Events/bands (alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Weddings and celebrations$200 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Crockery$20 per day$200
Glassware$20 per day$200
Storage$5 per week (1 only)

Extra chairs - up to 110$2 per day

Extra tables - up to 25$5 per day

Audio visual (hall only)$50

Cleaning (if required)$30 per hour

Duggan Pavilion

Hire typeCostKitchenBond
Markets/displays$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Small regular uses$20 per hour$20 (N/A)N/A
Community organisations$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Local community sporting groupsFreeFree (N/A)N/A
Large commercial$500 per day$50 (N/A)$500
Events/bands (no alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$200
Events/bands (alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Weddings and celebrations$200 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Crockery$20 per day$200
Glassware$20 per day$200
Extra chairs - up to 60$2 per day

Extra tables - up to 20$5 per day

Cleaning (if required)$30 per hour

Duggan Pavilion ToiletsNIL

Duggan Pavilion ChangeroomsNIL

Gracetown Community Hall

Hire typeCost Bond
Crafts, displays and markets$20 per dayN/A
Recreational activities$10 per sessionN/A
Lectures, seminars and workshops$10-$100 per dayN/A
Cultural activities and special events$40-$120 per eventN/A
Celebratory events$40-$150 (main hall)$100-$2000
Chairs (non-premises events)50c per chair per dayN/A
Tables (non-premises events)$5 per table per dayN/A
Urn, crockery$20 per dayN/A

 Please note: 

  • The maximum fee to hire the entire premises is $200 
  • All chairs, tables and crockery hired for non-facility events are to be returned by 10am the day after use with the key. 

Karridale Hall

Hire typeCostBond
Regular users e.g. yoga, dance classes
$15 per use
Casual, one off community meetings$20 per sessionN/A
Displays and markets (half day)$30N/A
Displays and markets (full day)$60N/A
Functions (no alcohol)$100N/A
Functions (with alcohol)$150$500

Rosa Brook Community Hall

Hire typeCostBond
Booking Fee$25N/A

Witchcliffe Druids Hall

Please note: A $500 penalty applies to any fire extinguisher that has been discharged unnecessarily or without plausible reason.

Hire typeExampleCost
Exercise groupsYoga, boot scooting$15-$20 per session
Other groups
$15-$50 per session
Small gatheringsChildren parties, family gatherings$50-$100
Commercial presentations
Electoral Commission2 day hire$300
Charity groups/fundraisers
Up to $250

Council Meeting Rooms for Hire

Hire typeCostBond
Room hireN/AN/A

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