The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Margaret River Library will be closed for 3 days (11-13 March) for a hardware upgrade.

Margaret River Youth Precinct Zone Room and Hall

Hire fees

TypeCost Including GST
Hourly Rate for Community and Not for Profit Groups (any booking of 3 hours or less)
Day Rate for Community and Not for Profit Groups (any booking over 3 hours)
Hourly Rate for Commercial/Government organisations (any booking of 3 hours or less)$38.00
Day Rate for Commercial/Government organisations (any booking over 3 hours)$122.00
Hourly Rate for Private Function e.g birthday parties (any booking of 3 hours or less)$38.00
Day Rate for Private Function e.g birthday parties (any booking over 3 hours)$122.00
Key replacement fee (if lost)$70.00
Professional cleaning fee (if the room is not left in the same condition as found)$250.00
Replacement costs associated with damages, loss and theftDetermined by the Shire

Alexandra Bridge Hall

Hire typeExampleCostBond
All night 5pm-12 midnight
18th or 21st birthday  Engagement party
All day 9am-5pmFete
special event
EveningIndoor games
Dinner meeting
SessionalWeekly meetings
Exercise groups

Augusta Centennial Hall

Hire typeCost
Whole complex $220
Auditorium and Foyer$132
Foyer and bar$121
Local ballet, yoga and Zumba$25 per hour

Please note: 

A bond of $500.00 is required for all user groups/activities with no alcohol present. 

A bond of $800.00 is required for all user groups/activities with alcohol present.

Cowaramup District Hall

Hire typeCostKitchenBond
Markets/displays$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Small regular uses$20 per hour$20 (N/A)N/A
Community organisations$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Local community sporting groupsFreeFree (N/A)N/A
Large commercial$500 per day$50 (N/A)$500
Events/bands (no alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$200
Events/bands (alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Weddings and celebrations$200 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Crockery$20 per day$200
Glassware$20 per day$200
Storage$5 per week (1 only)

Extra chairs - up to 110$2 per day

Extra tables - up to 25$5 per day

Audio visual (hall only)$50

Cleaning (if required)$30 per hour

Duggan Pavilion

Hire typeCostKitchenBond
Markets/displays$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Small regular uses$20 per hour$20 (N/A)N/A
Community organisations$50 per day$20 (N/A)N/A
Local community sporting groupsFreeFree (N/A)N/A
Large commercial$500 per day$50 (N/A)$500
Events/bands (no alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$200
Events/bands (alcohol)$150 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Weddings and celebrations$200 per night$50 (N/A)$500
Crockery$20 per day$200
Glassware$20 per day$200
Extra chairs - up to 60$2 per day

Extra tables - up to 20$5 per day

Cleaning (if required)$30 per hour

Duggan Pavilion ToiletsNIL

Duggan Pavilion ChangeroomsNIL

Gracetown Community Hall

Hire typeCost Bond
Crafts, displays and markets$20 per dayN/A
Recreational activities$10 per sessionN/A
Lectures, seminars and workshops$10-$100 per dayN/A
Cultural activities and special events$40-$120 per eventN/A
Celebratory events$40-$150 (main hall)$100-$2000
Chairs (non-premises events)50c per chair per dayN/A
Tables (non-premises events)$5 per table per dayN/A
Urn, crockery$20 per dayN/A

 Please note: 

  • The maximum fee to hire the entire premises is $200 
  • All chairs, tables and crockery hired for non-facility events are to be returned by 10am the day after use with the key. 

Karridale Hall

Hire typeCostBond
Regular users e.g. yoga, dance classes
$15 per use
Casual, one off community meetings$20 per sessionN/A
Displays and markets (half day)$30N/A
Displays and markets (full day)$60N/A
Functions (no alcohol)$100N/A
Functions (with alcohol)$150$500

Rosa Brook Community Hall

Hire typeCostBond
Booking Fee$25N/A

Witchcliffe Druids Hall

Please note: A $500 penalty applies to any fire extinguisher that has been discharged unnecessarily or without plausible reason.

Hire typeExampleCost
Exercise groupsYoga, boot scooting$15-$20 per session
Other groups
$15-$50 per session
Small gatheringsChildren parties, family gatherings$50-$100
Commercial presentations
Electoral Commission2 day hire$300
Charity groups/fundraisers
Up to $250

Council Meeting Rooms for Hire

Hire typeCostBond
Room hireN/AN/A

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