Find out about the Margaret River and the Wooditjup Bilya Protection Strategy.
Location and size
Situated within the Shire boundaries, the Margaret River is approximately 60 km in length and drains water from a catchment area of approximately 477 km2. The river comprises a 190km network of tributaries, the largest being the Mowen River and Bramley Brook.
Aboriginal heritage
To the Wadandi people, the Margaret River is known as Wooditjup, named after the magic man, Wooditj.
Aboriginal people have a very long and continuing connection to the Margaret River. Devil’s Lair, south of Margaret River, is one of the earliest sites of human occupation in Australia and contains evidence of Wadandi existence dating back at least 48,000 years.
The recognition and preservation of Aboriginal heritage values is integral to best practice river management.
Wooditjup Bilya Protection Strategy
The Wooditjup Bilya Protection Strategy supports the coordinated and collaborative management of the Margaret River, its tributaries and associated remnant native vegetation. The aim of the strategy is to protect Aboriginal heritage values, water quality, streamflow and biodiversity, and manage human impacts.
The strategy was developed through a partnership with the Shire of Augusta Margaret River and the Margaret River Collaborative Management Group. The Collaborative Management Group represents indigenous custodians and a range of stakeholders, including local government, State government agencies and local community environment groups, such as Nature Conservation and the Margaret River Regional Environmental Centre.
The strategy guides management of the Margaret River through agreed management objectives, strategies and actions to achieve three broad outcomes:
- Recognition of Aboriginal heritage and community values
- Best practice coordination and management
- A healthy ecosystem.
The shared vision guiding the strategy is:
‘A healthy, natural and resilient Margaret River safeguarded for present and future generations.’
View strategy and community updates
The strategy and community updates are available on the Nature Conservation website.
More information and contact
For more information, contact us on (08) 9780 5255 or email [email protected]