The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.

Verge landscaping and maintenance

The Verge Landscaping and Maintenance Guidelines aim to inspire residents to beautify their verges so that they do not interfere with pedestrian and vehicle safety or sightlines. The guidelines provide steps for landscaping your verge and advice on selecting local native plant species.

Street tree reports and requests

To request a street tree or report a tree that is damaged or requires pruning, please use our Report It/Request It form.

Coastal gardens

The Shire has worked with the South West Catchments Council and other stakeholders to produce a free Coastal Gardens publication for residents.

The Coastal Gardens guide provides simple yet inspiring garden advice for people living in the south west capes coastal region from Augusta to Yallingup. Water-wise local native plants are suggested as attractive replacements for introduced plants that are harmful to our local coastal landscapes.

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