Margaret River Library will be closed for 3 days (11-13 March) for a hardware upgrade.
Public Art Trail

Now Live

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River and The Creative Corner have developed a public art trail that showcases our vibrant creative community.

The trail showcases some of the artists that make up our amazing creative community and aims to increase to engagement with public art and create further opportunities for artists in the region. 

Start exploring Margaret River Art Trails.

Image: Wadandi Boodjarra mural artists Ian Mutch, Sandra Hill and Jack Bromell


Funding partners

This project is supported by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries - Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP) funding. 

The South West Development Commission (SWDC) are also a funding partner. 

Margaret River Art Trails builds upon the significant engagement that underpinned the development of the Shire's Creative Culture Plan 2020-25, including to ‘Create sustainable cultural infrastructure and opportunities'.

Want to know more?

To find out more contact Saul Cresswell, Sustainable Economy Officer on 08 9780 5250 or email [email protected]

Header image at top of page: Wave Garden by Kaiman 

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