The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.

About the garden

Our garden story began in the redesign of our library space and in December 2012 the Margaret River Library outdoor garden was established.

It began with a quince tree, chosen to reflect each change of season; delicate blossom in Spring, abundant foliage and fruit in Summer, Autumn leaf fall and stark silhouette in Winter.

The garden has grown into a beautiful space in which to enjoy the fresh air while reading, chatting or working online.

Welcome to our edible, fragrant, textural, seasonal garden.

Edible plants

The library grows lettuce, blueberry bushes, strawberries, quince tree, dwarf and semi-dwarf lime trees, dwarf avocado tree, globe artichokes plus edible flowers of borage, calendula and heartsease. Add them to a salad or use as edible decoration! 

We have tea herbs including mint, lemongrass, chamomile, lemon verbena and culinary herbs including rosemary, basil, sage, thyme, come along and pick any of the produce. It helps the plants to grow!

Companion plants

We have incorporated classic companion plants such as marigolds and alyssum for natural pest control, plus Australian natives such as Correa species to attract birds who help to keep pests down and increase diversity in the garden.

Waterwall feature

Local ceramicist Ian Dowling was commissioned to create an art piece through community workshops to ensure a sense of ownership and meaning with the theme, tree of knowledge. The tiled water wall cools, humidifies and forms a major focal point in this north-facing courtyard. It contributes to the peaceful ambience of the garden and invites the discovery of quotes.

More information and contact

Want to learn more? We follow biodynamic garden methods and the library has an extensive collection of works by Rudolf Steiner including writings on the principles of Biodynamic gardening.

Any interested people, of any age or ability, can learn more about the garden and volunteers are welcome so please see staff if you are interested.

For more information, please contact us on (08) 9780 5600 or email [email protected]

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