
Submit your assignment for writing feedback, or connect live with a tutor for assistance with a study question. Plus, expert CV and cover letter support.

  • Connect live to a subject specialist for fast feedback on a study question.
  • Suitable from year 3 through 12, as well as TAFE and University students.
  • Suitable for jobseekers looking for feedback on resumes, CVs, and cover letters.
  • Aligned with the Australian curriculum.
  • Tutors provide guidance to help students think for themselves to resolve a problem. offering advice and feedback 
  • 24/7 live study support in English, Mathematics, Science
  • At the end of each session, students will have renewed self-confidence and critical thinking skills
  • Submit your assignment for Writing Feedback with detailed comments on strengths, and suggestions on how to improve your assignment
  • Citation Assist for academic writing and referencing
  • Speak with a specialist with typed chat or voice call.


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