
The Shire offers access for boats and anglers to both the ocean and the river in a number of fantastic locations. Popular jetties include Gnarabup Jetty, Gracetown Jetty, Dead Finish Jetty, Ellis Street Floating Jetty and Turner Street Jetty.

Ellis Street Jetty

Throw a line off Old Town Jetty or launch your boat here in search of other ocean delights. It’s just down from the main street in Augusta and a great spot to look out for marine life and birdlife. 

The Shire recently gave the Old Town Jetty an upgrade. Also known as the Ellis Street Jetty, all the old, corroded steelwork on the jetty was replaced with new steelwork by Enviro Infrastructure ensuring the jetty remains safe for boat users and other recreational users. 

Turner Street Jetty

On Wednesday 19 March 2025, the Turner St Jetty was closed off to members of the public based on expert engineering advice to ensure public safety. The Augusta community and visitors alike are understandably frustrated, surprised and saddened by the closure of this important and much-loved community asset. 

We know there are a lot of unanswered questions, many of which we will only be able to answer in the fullness of time (e.g. when will the jetty be reopened, what would this look like) and we are committed to keeping the community updated along the way. 

To resolve the closure as soon as possible, the Shire made the Turner Street Jetty urgent business at the Wednesday 26 March 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting in Augusta. At the OCM, Council resolved to allocate funding to research options for the Jetty's future. 

In the meantime, you can read a list of Frequent Asked Questions we’ve been asked that may help explain how we got to this point, and what you can expect next. 


The Shire owns and operates 17 road bridges and 8 pedestrian bridges across the Shire. 

With Main Roads Western Australia’s assistance, the Shire undertakes annual inspections and preventative maintenance on the road bridges in the Shire. 

Well known bridges include the Old Settlement Bridge (connects the Old Settlement to Rotary Park), Barrett Street Weir and Rendall Close Weir Bridges (cross over the local weirs) and the bridges of the Wadandi trail.

Recent bridgework projects include:

The iconic Wadandi Track Bridges 9293, 9290 and 9230 stretch over the rivers and creeks, allowing users to cross them and travel between townsites along the Wadandi Track. The shared track caters for both walkers and cyclists and offers picturesque scenery along the way. No bushwalking experience is required, the track has no steps or steep sections and is suitable for wheelchair use in summer. 

The Wadandi Track Bridges Replacement project which involved the replacement of three timber railway bridges, was recently selected as the winner at State engineering awards - Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Excellence Awards - Best Public Works Project Under $2m (Regional). The Shire Works team and contractors Bocol Constructions and Enviro Infrastructure completed these works.

Stretching over the Blackwood River, the Shire recently completed the five yearly maintenance on Warner Glen Bridge 3235 

Emergency repairs on Warner Glen Bridge 3236 were undertaken in 2023 to repair deteriorated timber footings.

Carters Road Bridge was given a deck overhaul and a new surface in early 2022.

For any queries relating to the Shires bridge, please use the contact us page.

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