The Shire of Augusta Margaret River operates two airstrips, one in Augusta and the other in Margaret River. This page provides essential information for pilots planning to take off or land on either airstrip, including fly-friendly guidelines, runway selection, general airstrip operations, and landing permissions.
Augusta Airstrip
Lot 315 Hillview Road, Augusta
Coordinates and airstrip details
Zone: 50
North end: E 330227, N 6200380
South end: E 330679, N 6199351
Runway length (sealed, marked): 1100m
Runway weight limit: 5700k
For more information refer to the information sheet below.
Margaret River Airstrip
Lot 5452 Nozzle Road, Margaret River
Coordinates and airstrip details
Zone: 50
North end: E 324488, N 6244454
South end: E 324239, N 6243383
Runway length (sealed, marked): 1100m
Runway weight limit: 5700k
For more information refer to the information sheet below.
Margaret River Airstrip fly friendly guidelines
Please note that the airstrip is located in close proximity to the Margaret River townsite. Please adhere to the following guidelines to minimise the audible and visual impact on the community.
Circuit area
The standard circuit area dimension at an airport is 3 nautical miles (5.4km). When arriving or departing from Margaret River, pilots are encouraged to keep circuits as close as practicable to the airstrip to avoid populous areas and the townsite.
When taking off from runway 20, pilots are encouraged to avoid flying over the eastern precincts of the town by making a shallow left turn at a safe height after take-off. The pilot can either depart to the east or climb to 1500 ft before turning to the west.
Pilots are requested to use standard non-towered rejoin and circuit altitudes.
Runway selection
Pilots are encouraged to land on runway 20 when practical to avoid flying too close to the Margaret River town.
Take-offs and landings can be made from either runway end, depending on the prevailing conditions. However, pilots are encouraged to avoid flying over or close to the town.
General airstrip operations
Pilots are requested to climb as soon as possible within the airstrip perimeter.
Pilots should maintain appropriate altitudes when flying in the vicinity of the airstrip, i.e. 1500’ AGL for overfly and 1000’ AGL for the circuit.
Pilots are requested to adopt climb or cruise power settings as soon as possible after reaching an altitude of 500ft.
Pilots should avoid residential areas when possible, and otherwise remain above 1500ft AGL and limit any orbits of the town area.
Landing permissions
Landing permission is required prior to departure by pilots.
The following form is to be completed and email to with the subject title: “Airstrip Landing Permission” attention Airstrip Reporting Officer.
Please include:
- Aircraft Registration Number
- Aircraft Size and Weight (please note size & weight restrictions apply)
- Date of arrival and departure
- Pilot mobile phone number.
All landings are registered and recorded.
Important note: No general aviation night landings or take offs are permitted without the Shire’s prior approval.
Airservices Australia (ASI)
For aeronautical information from Airservices Australia (ASI) please go to Aeronautical Information Package (AIP).
More information and contact
Please note that the following services are not provided:
- Refuelling service
- Air Traffic Control
- Hangars*
*Hangars are for private use only. Plane parking is permitted on the apron area adjacent to the RFDS transfer building.
For more information, contact us on (08) 9780 5255 or email