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European rabbits are declared pests of agriculture in Western Australia under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007

To reduce the impact of rabbits on our nature reserves, parks and gardens, infrastructure and agriculture, the Shire undertakes rabbit control.

The Shire engages a contractor to conduct rabbit control through the release of RHD K5 Calicivirus. Calicivirus releases will occur during late Spring or Autumn when there is high insect activity and low populations of young rabbits. 

The Calicivirus only affects rabbits and hares. Native wildlife, humans, and domestic pets (other than rabbits) are not impacted by the virus. 

Rabbit control may occur within the vicinity of residential areas. We recommend taking precautionary measures to protect pet rabbits from Calicivirus.

You can protect your rabbits by:

•    Keeping rabbits in insect-proof enclosures or inside the house;

•    Vaccinating your rabbits;

•    Avoiding contact with unfamiliar rabbits; and

•    Regularly disinfecting rabbit enclosures.

The Shire needs the support of landowners and wider community to effectively control rabbit populations. If you are undertaking rabbit control on your property, the Shire would love to hear from you. Please email [email protected]

For more information about the impact of rabbits on agriculture and the environment visit the Pest Smart website.

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