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Mosquitoes can be a nuisance. Some species pose a health risk as they are able to transmit diseases such as Ross River Virus and Barmah Forest Virus. Find out how to fight the bite.

Protecting yourself from mosquitoes

Ways to protect yourself from being bitten include: 

  • Avoid being outdoors during increased mosquito activity, such as at dawn and dusk
  • Wear loose fitting clothing that is light coloured
  • Cover your arms and legs
  • Apply insect repellent containing DEET*

*DEET (or diethyltoluamide) is the active ingredient in many insect repellent products. Natural or organic repellents are generally not as effective as DEET or picaridin and may need to be applied more frequently. Only infant-strength repellents should be used on young children. The best protection for babies and young children is protective clothing, bed nets or other forms of insect screening.  

To find out more visit Fight the Bite.

Reducing mosquitoes on your property

The following non-chemical methods can be used to reduce or repel mosquitoes:

  • Screen outdoor patios and sitting areas with fly screens and doors
  • Use a fan in outdoor areas to create a breeze that repels mosquitoes
  • Reduce the number of lights used at night in outdoor areas
  • Change to yellow or to low fluorescence globes
  • Use outdoor ‘bug zappers’ on patios and outdoor sitting areas
  • Keep away from still or stagnant water where mosquitoes like to breed
  • Cut, mow or reduce the amount of excess moist garden foliage.

The following chemical methods can be used to reduce or repel mosquitoes:

  • Use mosquito coils, lamps, candles that burn citronella
  • Apply a residual insecticide product (one that remains on a surface for 1-2 weeks) on patio and house eves, door and windows sills, paved areas and some garden areas (read instructions carefully).

  • Dispose of, or regularly empty, all water holding containers including old tyres, buckets, trays, tins, scrap metal, bowls and discarded toys
  • Ensure gutters are clean, free draining freely and do not hold stagnant water
  • Keep ornamental ponds stocked with mosquito-eating fish, e.g. goldfish, koi
  • Empty pot plant drip trays once a week or fill them with sand
  • Empty and clean animal and pet drinking water containers once a week
  • Keep swimming pools well chlorinated, free of leaves and run the filter once a day
  • Repair leaking taps and reticulation which can cause pooling of water
  • Avoid over watering lawns and sprinkler run off into storm water drains that create permanent pools of water in the storm water drain
  • Fit mosquito proof cowls on the vent pipes of septic systems
  • Screen rainwater tanks to prevent mosquitoes entering and laying their eggs on the water surface
  • Ensure that ornamental garden plant such as bromeliads, do not hold water.
Important note: the suggestions above may have variable effects depending on the size of the area and number of mosquitoes present.

Mosquito management in the Shire

Currently the Shire does not have an active mosquito management program. We are gathering data on mosquito numbers with a view to undertaking regular surveillance and assessment of breeding sites in the future.  

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