The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.

The Shire enforces noise regulations to create a comfortable living environment for residents and visitors. Find out about noise regulations in the Shire, including how to make a noise complaint. 

Noise regulations

The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 stipulate the decibel levels permitted at certain times and days.

The regulations have been designed to ensure the public is not exposed to unreasonable noise while still enabling normal activities to occur, including lawn mowing, public events, and music practice. 

The following guidelines provide general information about allowable noise levels and times. 

Noise from air conditioners and pool pumps must not exceed the assigned decibel levels at any time. When operating such equipment, it should be well maintained, used in a reasonable manner, and turned on at appropriate times of the day so as not to disturb others. 

When purchasing new equipment, you should look for the quietest model available. Equipment should be positioned where it creates the least possible disturbance to others. 

Please call the Shire Ranger on (08) 9780 5255 or 0419 902 540 (after hours).

Noisy construction work on building sites can be carried out from Monday to Saturday, between 7am to 7pm.

Construction activities must comply with the Australian Standard 2436 – 2010 Guide to Noise and Vibration Control on Construction, Demolition and Maintenance Sites. 

Equipment and methods used should be the quietest reasonably available or possible. 

Associated construction noise, such as loud radios, is not permitted to exceed the prescribed decibel levels and must be managed accordingly. Quiet work, such as painting, is permitted at any time, including Sundays and public holidays, but only if the associated noise complies with the regulations. 

Reversing beepers on vehicles should be the broadband type or similar. Loud, continual ‘beeping’ is unlikely to comply with noise regulations because it is not the quietest equipment available.

For enquiries or complaints regarding construction noise please contact the site supervisor. The site supervisor contact number should be displayed on the site at all times during construction.

The Shire may approve construction or maintenance work outside the permitted hours subject to valid reasons, relevant approval conditions, and an approved noise management plan.

Noise from events and community gatherings in parks and private open spaces is permitted if the activity is approved by the Shire, well managed, and notification of the event has occurred.

Generally, noise associated with sporting activities in parks, ovals, schools or other specific venues is permitted and does not require approval or notification.

Musical instruments may be used in a reasonable manner for not more than one hour each day between the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 7pm Sundays or on public holidays.

Music and other noise emitted from a party will generally exceed the prescribed decibel limits. However, most neighbours will tolerate the occasional party in their vicinity. 

The Police can be contacted after-hours to deal with party noise or anti-social behaviour. Call Margaret River Police on (08) 9757 2222 or Augusta Police on (08) 9758 3900.

If you are holding a party, try to notify neighbours in advance, keep the music as low as possible, and switch off your sound system at a reasonable hour.

Certain residential equipment, e.g. lawnmowers and power tools, may be used in a reasonable manner for not more than two hours each day. This equipment must be used between the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday, and 9am to 7pm Sundays or on public holidays.

The Shire can investigate complaints regarding stereo or home theatre noise that does not involve a party. An Environmental Health Officer from the Shire will determine if the noise is ‘unreasonable’ (does not comply with noise regulations) using decibel measuring equipment or other means. 

Aircraft noise is exempt from noise regulations. Further information about general aircraft noise can be obtained from Airservices Australia

Traffic noise is exempt from the noise regulations. Main Roads WA may be able to assist. 

Noise complaints

Important note: For complaints relating to parties or where anti-social behaviour is a concern, please contact the Margaret River Police on (08) 9757 2222 or the Augusta Police on (08) 9758 3900.

If the noise is disruptive and not covered by one of the above exemptions, try to first resolve the issue by speaking politely and respectfully to the person responsible. The culprit may be unaware of the issue. If this does not resolve the problem, you may consider mediation, contacting the Police, or lodging a noise complaint with the Shire.

To make a formal noise complaint, please complete the form below and submit it in person or email to [email protected]

Note: All complaints are treated anonymously.

How the Shire handles noise complaints

In most cases, complaints will be resolved by an Environmental Health Officer contacting the owner/occupier of the property where the noise is occurring. 

If this does not resolve the issue, the officer may take decibel level readings. These measurements may result in an enforcement action, including infringement notices, the seizure of equipment, noise abatement directions, and environmental protection notices.

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