Margaret River Library will be closed for 3 days (11-13 March) for a hardware upgrade.
Shire President Paula Cristoffanini with members of the Access and Inclusion Plan working group.

Access and Inclusion Plan

The Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 – 27 identifies strategies and actions that will help us build a more inclusive community, so we can all enjoy our public spaces and feel like we belong.

The plan was developed in collaboration with the community including extensive consultation and the formation of an Access and Inclusion Plan working group, representing the Shire’s boarder Inclusive Communities Advisory Network (ICAN).

We would like to acknowledge every person who shared their knowledge and lived experiences to contribute to this plan with special thanks to the members of the working group for their commitment, expertise, and guidance (right).

To read about our past achievements and plans for the future, download the plan.

ICARN Meeting

Inclusive Communities Advisory Network (ICAN)

The ICAN group welcomes community members with a passion and interest in improving access and inclusion outcomes for everyone.

The group provides strategic advice and recommendations to the Shire, sharing their expertise, insights and lived experiences. This includes valuable input into Shire plans, policies, new facilities, redevelopment projects, and the delivery of local events. 

The members of the group come from diverse backgrounds, including people living with disability, carers, support workers, service providers, community groups, and people with an interest in building more inclusive communities.  

Meetings take place quarterly at the Shire’s Administration Centre located at 41 Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River.

If you would like to get involved, find out more, or add an item to the next meeting agenda, please contact the Shire’s Community Development Team by email to [email protected].

Our commitment

As outlined in the Strategic Community Plan 2040, the Shire is committed to:

  • All events and services provided by the Shire or on behalf of the Shire being accessible and inclusive of all community members, as far as is practicable. 
  • Ensuring all future buildings and assets meet the Building Code of Australia, which includes compliance with the Access to Premises – Building Standards (2010) under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Upgrading existing assets, buildings and facilities to meet the Access to Premises standard as they undergo significant refurbishment, renovation or replacement. 
  • Providing information in alternative formats and providing access to public information to all members of the community upon request. 
  • Ensuring all staff, including those contracted, volunteers or agents working on behalf of the Shire provide the same high-quality level of service to people with disability as experienced by other community members. 
  • Providing the same opportunities for people with accessibility issues  to participate in public consultation and the opportunity to make complaints as received by other members of the community. 
  • The Equal Opportunities Act 1984, as well as identifying and removing barriers to employment so that people with accessibility issues can obtain and maintain employment with the Shire. 

Access and Inclusion Policy

The Access and Inclusion Policy outlines our commitment to comply with the WA Disability Services Act 1993 (amended 2004) and ensure that Shire services and facilities are welcoming and inclusive of all members of our community. Download the plan and policy below.

More information and contact

As the Shire is committed to a culture of innovation, quality and continuous improvement, it appreciates public feedback. If you would like to provide feedback on access and inclusion issues, please contact the Community Development Officer on (08) 9780 5255 or email [email protected]

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