The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River is a thriving regional community and a great place to live and work. Our communities are safe, inclusive and supportive, and very family and pet friendly. The area is rich in history, and has many unique and natural areas to explore.

This online guide is designed to help familiarise yourself with the area and the services provided by the Shire.

Your property

The Shire provides a waste and recycling collection services, including:

  • One general waste bin (red top) collected fortnightly
  • One FOGO bin for food and garden organics (green lid) collected weekly
  • One recycling bin (yellow top) collected fortnightly.
Shire residents can also dispose of waste and items for recycling at the Shire’s waste and recycling facilities.
Visit our dedicated section on bins, waste and recycling to find out about how to use your bins, bin collection days, waste disposal sites, reporting an issue and more.

Owners of property and/or commercial enterprises within Shire are required to pay rates.

Rates are necessary for the Shire to provide facilities and services to the community. Examples include libraries, recreation facilities, road maintenance and upgrades, community safety and waste collections.

The Shire aims to complete the rate billing process and post ratepayers their annual Rate Notice in early to mid-August each year with a due date of early September.

Property owners can pay rates in full, in instalments or enter into an agreed payment arrangement.

Holders of a Pensioner, Senior or Veteran Affair concession card may be eligible for a rebate on their annual rates.

Visit our dedicated section on rates to find out more about how rates are calculated, payment options, rebates and more.

Much of the Shire is located in a Bushfire Prone Area.

It is vitally important that we all play our part in preventing bushfire and ensuring your property complies with the Shire’s Firebreak Notice.

Visit our dedicated section on fire and emergency management find out about fire bans and burning periods, permits to burn, the Shire's firebreaks notice, preparing for a bushfire and more. 

Under State legislation, a Building Permit is required for most new building and renovating works including:

  • Single, group and multiple dwellings
  • Commercial structures
  • Garages and carports
  • Sheds, pergolas and patios
  • Additions, alterations and fit-outs
  • Earthworks
  • Fences and retaining walls
  • Swimming pools and decking
  • Water tanks.

Planning approval may be required for a range of improvements or works including new buildings, vegetation clearing and earthworks.

New residents often have ideas on changes or additions they may like to make to their property. Discussing options with the Shire’s Building and Planning Teams at an early stage is recommended, to identify potential issues.

Visit our dedicated section on planning and building to find out more about building permits, planning approval, building in bushfire prone areas, building design and more.

There is so much that you can do around your home and garden, to protect our natural environment and reduce your environmental footprint.

Visit our environment and sustainability section to find out about being energy-wise, water-wise, recycling and minimising waste and how to encourage backyard biodiversity.

Your community

Being active is an important part of the lifestyle for many Shire residents.

You can play organised sports; cycle or hike on trails; take the kids to skate parks; and swim at many of our beautiful beaches.

There are also many open spaces where you can take part in, and enjoy, activities in the shire.
Find out about the many things to do in our leisure and recreation section.

The shire hosts many events and also promotes events run by the community. Visit the events and workshops section to find out more.

There are many services and programs available to families with babies and young children, including activities at the library and out of school child are offered at the Recreation Centres. 

Visit our dedicated section for families and children, to find out more about services and things to do.

The Shire’s Youth Advisory Group is for young people aged 12 to 24 years, provides a space for young people aged 12 to 24 to have a say in the issues that impact them most.

There are also many things for young people to do in the Shire, including cycling, swimming, surfing, sports, skate parks, going to the movies, events and more. 

To find out more, visit our dedicated section for youth.

There are a range of activities for older adults across the Shire. Margaret River HEART provides a program to enable older people to participate in the arts. The Recreation Centre has designed the Strength for Life program to encourage people over 50 to exercise.

The Shire has developed a plan to improve services and access for seniors.

To find out more, visit our dedicated section for seniors.

The Shire is committed to building an inclusive community that celebrates diversity and recognises the importance of including all people.

Visit our dedicated section on access, diversity and inclusion to find out about accessible and inclusive facilities and services, beach wheelchair hire and disability support services offered in the region.

Volunteering provides a positive impact on the lives of volunteers and those around them.

In addition, community organisations and not for profits in the Shire, provide a wealth of support services, programs and activities for our community.

The Shire offers support to both volunteers and community groups, including advice, promotion, grants and awards.

Find out more through the following pages:

Your neighbourhood

The Shire deals with many areas that affect the health, safety and wellbeing of our community.

Visit the Community Health and Safety section to find out about:

  • Health and wellbeing support
  • Noise
  • Food safety
  • Water quality
  • Mosquito management
  • Off-road vehicles
  • Shark sightings and response
  • Graffiti

The Shire recognises that all life has intrinsic value, is interconnected and that biodiversity and ecological integrity are part of the irreplaceable life support systems upon which the earth depends. 

The Shire is committed to using its best endeavours to meet the needs of current and future generations through an integration of environmental protection, social advancement and economic prosperity.  

Visit the environment and sustainability section to find out about the work the shire is doing and what you can do to help reduce your environmental footprint.

Your Council

Councillors are ratepayers or residents who are elected to represent the community. They provide an avenue for input on important decisions which affect the way you live.

Ordinary meetings of the Council are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month commencing at 5.30pm. Council agendas are available to the public prior to the fortnightly meetings and minutes are published following the meetings.  

There are also numerous Council committees, that make recommendations to Council in their specific areas of responsibility. Committee meetings are open to the public.

For more information, visit the Council section.

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