Margaret River Library will be closed for 3 days (11-13 March) for a hardware upgrade.

The Shire is committed to valuing and protecting the natural environment and supporting the community to become more sustainable. We also recognise the valuable role that community groups, organisations and individuals can play in driving sustainability and protecting and enhancing our natural environment.

The Environmental Management Fund (EMF) Grant Program is a funding stream endorsed by Council, to fund projects which achieve local environmental and sustainability outcomes.

Ringtail possum

Environmental Management Fund (EMF) Grants

Applications for 2024-25 EMF Grants are now closed. 

Grants of up to $44,000 (incl. GST) cover the following themes:

  1. Biodiversity protection
  2. Waterway health
  3. Coastal management and protection
  4. Sustainability
  5. Environmental education. 

Applications are required to comply with the adopted EMF program guidelines (see below documents). 

Nature Conservation Margaret River

Guidelines, application form and budget template

Please download the guidelines below to find out about:

  • Priorities
  • Eligibility
  • Funding amounts
  • Conditions of funding
  • Application process.

The application form and budget template is also provided below. 

How to submit your application

Please complete the form below and submit it to the Shire by email to [email protected] or by post to:

Chief Executive Officer

Shire of Augusta Margaret River

PO Box 61

Margaret River  WA 6285

2023-24 Grant recipients

Successful recipients of Environmental Management Fund (EMF) Grants for 2023-24 include: Lower Blackwood Land Conservation District Committee’s Regenerative Agriculture Program ($40,000 for 3 years) and Feral Pig Control Project ($40,000 for initial 1 year), Nature Conservation Margaret River’s Ocean Knowledge Program ($19,709), Capes Coastal Conservation and Custodianship Programs ($26,852 - plus $15,000 already committed through multi-year funding for the Our Patch program), as well as Margaret River Independent School’s Biodiversity and Cultural Awareness Program ($8,320). All amounts include GST. 

2022-23 Grant recipients

Successful recipients of Environmental Management Fund (EMF) Grants for 2022-23 include: Nature Conservation Margaret River for community engagement in conservation action in the Shire $39,544, Nature Conservation Margaret River for the Our Patch Education Program $14,025 (2022/23), $15,056 (2023/24), $16,112 (2024/25), Lower Blackwood LCDC for regenerative agriculture initiatives $49,999, Nature Conservation Margaret River for Western Ringtail Possum Education $21,852. All amounts include GST. 

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