Our Customer Service Charter sets out our commitment to you, our customer, on the kind of service you can expect to receive from us at the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. 

Service is a combination of the level of service provided, the way in which it is delivered and the processes and procedures supporting that service. We aim to provide you with exceptional service.


This Charter details the level of service you should expect to receive from us and what to do if you feel those expectations aren’t met.

We understand it is important for us to set expectations about the time our processes and services may take. We have included in this brochure the standard timeframe for the services we provide. However, these rely on correct and complete information being provided by you.

Our promise to you

We promise to:

  • Treat you with respect, courtesy and fairness 
  • Take personal ownership for your customer satisfaction
  • Ensure we provide clear, open, fair and friendly communications
  • Ensure if you have a disability or come from a non-English speaking background, we will work with you to meet your service needs
  • Actively listen to you and provide timely feedback
  • Ensure your views are taken into account in decision-making
  • Seek to resolve your requests and complaints as soon as possible
  • Act within the time frame set in responding to your requests and keep you informed of progress.

When you visit our office

We will:

  • Greet you and let you know if there are service delays
  • Keep waiting time to a minimum
  • Ensure you understand documents and forms
  • Assist you in contacting other officers if required.

When you write to us

  • Acknowledge your request 
  • Reply to you promptly by email or letter, depending on your request
  • Update you with progress on your request if it can’t be resolved immediately.

When you phone us

We will:

  • Answer the phone promptly or enable you to leave a message if we are busy
  • Supply you with the most accurate information available
  • Try to solve the problem ourselves or refer you quickly to someone who can
  • Call you back if we weren’t able to take your call in the first instance or could not resolve your query promptly.

When you visit our website

We will:

  • Ensure our information is current and available
  • Ensure the security and privacy of information you send to us through our website.

Service and timeframes


Acknowledging your email or letter

2 business days

Responding to your email or letter 

10 business days

Responding to your Customer Request

5 business days

Returning your phone message

2 business days

FOI application

45 calendar days

Owner information search 

14 business days

Rural street number application 

14 business days

Refund request

5 business days

Residential domestic rubbish removal

Pick up weekly

Residential recycling collection

Pick up fortnightly

Request for new bin

15 business days

Request for replacement bin

15 business days

Building search request

10 business days

Building application (Certified)

10 business days

Building application (Uncertified)

25 business days

Planning application

60 to 90 calendar days

Planning search request

10 business days

Health application

10 business days

Event application

20 business days

Burial application

24 hours

Abandoned vehicle

24 hours

Illegally dumped rubbish 

5 business days

Stock on road


Graffiti removal (Offensive)

48 hours

Graffiti removal (Non-offensive)

14 business days

Dangerous trees

5 business days

Footpath repairs

5 business days to make safe

Road potholes

5 business days

Hazardous/dangerous situations

48 hours to make safe

General works requests

In line with maintenance program

Crossover subsidy rebate application

10 business days

Help us to help you


  • Treating our staff with courtesy and respect
  • Providing accurate and complete information
  • Advising us if your details change
  • Letting us know if there is anything you don’t understand
  • Working with us to reach a resolution.

Your concerns and feedback

We encourage you to voice your concerns by writing to us or completing the feedback form.

We take our customers’ feedback seriously as an opportunity to improve or continue the way we do business. 

We will work towards increasing your customer satisfaction and continually improve our services by responding to any concerns as efficiently and effectively as possible.

For more information, contact the Customer Service Team on (08) 9780 5255 or email [email protected]

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