The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Algal Bloom Present in Augusta Waters

Our Environmental Health team have been busy testing the water for Algal Bloom in Augusta. 

The results are in and the presence of naturally occurring Trichodesmium erythraeum algal bloom has been confirmed in Flinders Bay and the Hardy Inlet.

Also known as ‘red tide’ and ‘sea sawdust’, they’re transported by wind and tide. The good news is that the algae has largely dissipated, possibly helped by the recent stronger winds and currents over yesterday and today. 

Health warning signs along the shores of Augusta beaches and Ellis Street Jetty are still up as a precaution. For now, please avoid swimming in water that is discoloured, and don’t collect or consume any wild shellfish. 

What it can look like:
•    oily, yellow-brown surface foam
•    pink that turns to pale green (when it decomposes)

Anyone coming into contact with the algae should rinse it off with clean water to avoid skin irritation. It is advisable to seek further medical attention if you continue to feel unwell.

For more information, please visit Department of Health - Healthy WA

23 Feb 2023 Topic Type
Public Notice
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