Insidious, a 150m long art installation near the Old Settlement and Barrett Street Reserve, was launched on the weekend.
The invasive weed and single-use plastics awareness project created by award winning artists, Moira Fearby and Heloise Roberts and members of the community, climbs up and invades the native plants and trees, just like invasive weeds do.
You can use the QR Code on the sign or go to amrshire.wa.gov.au/weed-profiles to find out about the five most common weeds in our shire and control methods.
Dedicated volunteers, Maureen Munro and Peta Goodwin from the Shire Friends of Barrett Street Reserve, have led this project and care for this area. You can help them by joining them for a busy bee at the end of this month on Sunday October 29 from 2pm-4pm. If you’d like to know more about this awesome ‘Friends of Reserves’ group and others in our shire, please go to Friends of Reserves groups.
This event was supported by the Shire, Nature Conservation Margaret River Region, Margaret River Regional Environment Centre, Margaret River and Districts Historical Society and Wildflower Society of WA - South West Capes Branch.