Congratulations to the Augusta & Districts Community Childcare Inc. (ADCC) whose hard work and efforts have paid off with the WA Government announcing $250,000 funding to transform a vacant State-owned building into a fit-for-purpose childcare facility.
The new funding brings the total investment to $350,000 and will see a childcare service up and running via lease agreement on Hillview Road, Augusta. This is an increase to the $100,000 election commitment of Jane Kelsbie MLA Member for Warren-Blackwood, who worked closely with the group to make this dream a reality for Augusta families.
Thank you to the WA government for providing investment into the sought-after childcare services in Augusta. The Shire will look at assisting the ADCC within their funding capacity and will work closely with the group and consider providing assistance for things like equipment and furniture.
The welcomed childcare service not only assists families living in the southern end of the Shire but increases the liveability of a regional community more generally too.
Credit goes to the local community including the Augusta Lions, Augusta Men’s Shed and Augusta Bendigo Bank who helped support their cause.