Over fifty Year 7 students from Busselton High School travelled south to support dune rehabilitation at Gas Bay, as part of the implementation of the wider Prevelly Gnarabup Foreshore Management Plan led by the Shire of Augusta Margaret River.
Brushing is one of the most effective ways to rehabilitate our beautiful coastline and students helped lay the equivalent of eight trailer loads of brush to protect the fragile dunes and define access pathways to the popular beach this week.This section of the beach is a popular vantage point for beachgoers to check the waves at Gas Bay and Boodjidup. Unfortunately, this does sometimes mean that new trails are made, and dune vegetation is trampled. This vegetation is so important for holding our dunes together and providing biodiversity and habitat for native animals.
The community coastal rehabilitation session, run with assistance from Nature Conservation Margaret River, is one of many on-ground actions identified by the Shire Plan to conserve the iconic coastal area from The Rivermouth to Gas Bay.
Several key management strategies are being implemented to ensure the well frequented strip of coastline is conserved into the future. Works in the coming months include the installation of protective fencing in high use coastal areas, strategic weed control, brushing to close excess dune trails and promote natural regeneration, revegetation and education.
The initiative provided an opportunity to engage students in climate action and environmental protection in practical way. This type of activity allows students the opportunity to develop the skills, values and competences they will require to meet the challenges ahead.
The Shire acknowledges the value of community partnerships in delivering rehabilitation initiatives and supporting wider education about conservation, and more community coastal rehabilitation sessions will be delivered in partnership with Nature Conservation Margaret River in the coming months.
This work is supported by a CoastWest Grant from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
16 Nov 2022
General News
Prevelly and Gnarabup
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