Calling all food and beverage operators, there’s an exciting new opportunity to lease a café space at the Margaret River Recreation Centre.
Situated at the entrance of the recreation centre, which is currently being refurbished, the café has the potential to serve over 120,000 visitors a year!
The standalone building with lockable access is next to an enclosed grassed play area for customers to use and families to enjoy.
The Shire is seeking suitably qualified and experienced parties for the full or partial fit-out and operation of the soon-to-be-constructed café facility.
People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to apply and all proposals will be considered.
To find out more or to apply for this opportunity please contact the Shire as soon as possible at [email protected] Expressions of Interest close 4pm Monday 3 July.
For general enquiries in relation to the fit-out and site inspections, please call Manager Waste and Major Projects, Chris Yates on 9780 5272 or for lease terms and rent, call Manager Legal and Governance, Ian McLeod on 9780 5267.