Call for Nominations to Climate Action and Biodiversity Reference Group

Call for Nominations to Climate Action and Biodiversity Reference Group

Do you care about our environment? Are you keen to offer advice and guidance on sustainability issues such as local water quality and conservation, climate change and renewable energy?

If so, why not join the Climate Action and Biodiversity Reference Group? 

We’re seeking nominations from four community representatives to join this collaborative group which also includes local organisations and Shire Officers. The Group meets for a couple of hours around four times per year. 

The role of the Group is to guide how officers carry out the actions from the Shire’s Climate Action Plan and Biodiversity Strategy and to build community partnerships for climate and biodiversity action.

If you’re keen to be involved, submit a written nomination including: 
  • Relevant knowledge and experience around environmental / sustainability issues
  • ­Availability to attend meetings and workshops, and assist on focus groups if required
  • ­Effective communication skills

Please submit nominations by 4pm Friday 8 December to:
Stephanie Addison-Brown
Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 61

Or by email to: [email protected]

For more information or a copy of the Terms of Reference contact us on [email protected] 
17 Nov 2023 Topic Type
General News
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