Campsites closed due to EXTREME fire risk

The Shire has been advised that due to the extreme fire danger rating, DBCA is temporarily closing several campgrounds.

The campgrounds will be closed 6pm on 19 to 21 February, and include 

  • Sues Bridge

  • Canebrake

  • Workers Pool

  • Barrabup Pool

  • Grimwade

  • Wrights Bridge

  • All informal campsites along the Blackwood River

Alexander Bridge campsite, which is operated by the Shire, will also be closed. 
Camping is available at caravan parks closer to the townsites. Pease ring ahead to make a booking.

09 Feb 2024 Topic Type
General News
Augusta, Cowaramup, Gracetown, Karridale and Kurdardup, Margaret River, Prevelly and Gnarabup, Scott River, Witchcliffe
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