It’s just over two months to go until the local government election and we’re asking community members to consider nominating for Council.
Three current positions are expiring this October, but there will be an extra position being created that will need to be filled at the upcoming election.
As directed by the Local Government Minister and under the new legislation, we’re required to add another Councillor so we’re encouraging community members to consider nominating.
It’s a great opportunity to make an impact in our Shire and be involved in our strategic decision-making.
Current Councillors include Shire President Cr Paula Cristoffanini, Cr Brian Daniel and Cr Kylie Kennaugh, whose terms expire this year and Cr Julia Meldrum, Cr David Binks, Cr Ian Earl and Cr Tracey Muir, whose terms expire in 2025.
The three Councillor positions and one Shire President position will become vacant in October and are for a four-year term.
The nomination period for candidates opens at 9am Thursday 31 August and closes at 4pm Thursday 7 September.
Thinking of nominating? A range of resources are available below.
To learn about the election process please go to Election Candidate Information Briefing.
More information is available on local government elections and becoming a Councillor.
Potential candidates are welcome to contact the Chief Executive Officer for a confidential conversation on 08 9780 5200.