Results of a recent Community Perceptions Survey undertaken by the Shire of Augusta Margaret River are now available for public view, with a total of 1,084 residents, ratepayers, business operators and visitors taking part in the survey.
The survey aims to gauge community perceptions of our region as a place to live, work and visit, the work of Council and the Shire, and to identify the community’s perception of priorities for our region into the future.Shire of Augusta Margaret River President Paula Cristoffanini thanked everyone who completed the survey.
“We appreciate all the responses received,” she said.
“The results show you are happy with our library amenities, and recognise the improvements in our waste collection services, streetscapes, trees and verges, and the work we’re doing with Traditional Owners.
“However, the feedback is that you want us to focus more efforts on responsibly growing and developing the region, maintaining local roads, improving community safety and ensuring more services and facilities for families, children and seniors,” Paula said.
“Some of the issues identified in the survey are ones that we have seen emerging in the last couple of years. The concerns highlighted are partly a result of the recent and rapid increase in the local population and the continued high level of tourist visitation throughout the year.
“The Shire’s role in respect of these can vary– sometimes we are a decision-maker and sometimes we provide a service. Other times we advocate or lobby on behalf of the community around issues that are not within our direct control, as in the case of hospital and healthcare services, or crime and safety which are matters being managed by other agencies and levels of government.
“While a Community Perceptions Survey is a statutory requirement for local government, it is only one of the many ways in which we listen to our community throughout the year. We run a range of consultations on many issues and initiatives and engage regularly with local groups on matters which affect them.
“In addition, residents and ratepayers can email us or lodge online requests, ask questions or make more formal submissions to Council.
“Council members participate in community events and have informal meetings out in the community through the Cuppa with a Councillor program.
“We are always happy to hear from you.”
View the survey results, including the areas identified as priorities for improvement and what we are doing to address these.
21 Jun 2023
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