The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Completion of Landscape and Revegetation Works Pictured: Barrett St Weir site

Landscape and revegetation works have now been completed at the Rendall Close Weir and the Barrett Street Weir on the Wooditjup Bilya (Margaret River).

The two sites were identified through the Margaret River Precinct Plan as special places for the community and are popular recreational sites for bushwalking, canoeing, paddleboarding and picnicking. The Wooditjup Bilya and its foreshore areas hold important spiritual values for the Traditional Custodians, the Wadandi Piblemen people.
Restoration works included stabilising and protecting the riverbank with geofabric and granite rocks providing natural steps to access the water, weed and erosion control, mulching, access management and revegetation.

Groups contributing to the project include the Friends of Rendall Close Reserve, Friends of Barrett Street Weir, Undalup Wadandi Rangers and Traditional Custodians and it was supported by Nature Conservation Margaret River.

29 Jul 2022 Topic Type
General News
Margaret River
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