Increased opportunity for the community to respond to LPS2
The public consultation process for the Local Planning Scheme 2 (LPS2) will be extended until 28 February 2024, given the complexity of the document and misinformation circulating amongst the community about its implications to Gnarabup.
The LPS2 will be the ‘guidebook’ for how land throughout the Shire can be used and will provide rules to regulate future development for the whole of the Shire. It will update the existing Local Planning Scheme to reflect the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy and the State Government’s revised model scheme rules.
An area of particular interest at Gnarabup is the land proposed for future development on the western side of Wallcliffe Road. This land is in five separate parcels and is also the subject of separate processes through a development application and formal environmental assessment by the State Government.
Lot 783
The WA Planning Commission (WAPC) directed the Shire to zone a small portion of Lot 783 as ‘Tourism’ in LPS2, as part of the legislative process for making a planning scheme. The WAPC have advised this was incorrect and the current ‘Parks and Recreation’ zoning will continue to apply under LPS2. A notation to Lot 783 has been added to the digital maps which can be found on the Shire’s ‘Your Say’ website.
Current Zoning of Lots 501 to 504
These lots are shown as ‘Urban Development Zone’ in the LPS2 which is the equivalent of the current LPS1’s ‘Future Development zone’. Areas around this land have been removed from the Future Development zone and identified as Parks and Recreation reserve. (see Figure 2)
Rezoning of Lots 501 to 504
A separate rezoning of Lots 501 to 504 from ‘Future Development’ to ‘Tourism’ under LPS1 commenced after the LPS2 had been submitted to the EPA and WAPC for review in 2020. The rezoning of Lots 501 to 504 to Tourism is still active and pending the outcome of an extensive environmental assessment required by the EPA.
Next steps
The Shire is committed to a thorough consultation, with input from the entire community to ensure we create a planning scheme that guides future development and delivers the best long-term outcome for our community and the environment. The Shire will be accepting public submissions until the end of February 2024 to provide a greater opportunity for the community to respond to the proposed LPS2.
We welcome and encourage the community to provide feedback, voice their concerns or express their views through the submission process, and our staff are always happy to any answer questions.
Council will consider the Scheme, together with all the submissions received in the middle of 2024. Prior to being officially approved, the Scheme will again be reviewed by WAPC and require final approval from the Minister for Planning.
FAQs are available at the Local Planning Scheme 2 YourSay Page.