Council to Consider Illegal Campers  

Illegal Camping on Council Agenda 

Council will discuss Illegal Camping when it meets on 24 April 2024.  

Shire President, Julia Meldrum, has put forth a motion which, if supported, will see a project team established to investigate illegal camping, and propose strategies to address the issue in a way that supports and strengthens our diverse community.

The motion also asks that a business case, with costings, be prepared to explore an overflow camping area for itinerant campers. The City of Busselton will also be invited to participate in the project.

The Shire recognises that while illegal camping has become a significant concern for the community, it is also a complicated issue given not all illegal campers are the same.  Some are free campers, while others are seasonal workers employed by vineyards, or in cafés and restaurants unable to secure rental accomodation. Additionally there are community members who are impacted by the Australia- wide cost of living and rental crisis. 

The proposed motion asks that the project team report back to Council at the June meeting, with a final report to be tabled later in the year..

03 Apr 2024 Topic Type
General News
Augusta, Cowaramup, Gracetown, Karridale and Kurdardup, Margaret River, Prevelly and Gnarabup, Scott River, Witchcliffe
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