Full Road reconstruction works on Cowaramup Bay Road will commence in October and are anticipated to be completed before Christmas (weather permitting).
There are 2 sections to be completed which are illustrated in the mapping below:.jpg)

The reconstruction includes drainage and pavement renewal and the seal is to be widened to 6.5m with unsealed shoulders.
Property access during works will be kept open and access facilitated throughout the works. Please follow the traffic controller’s instructions and any signage. The site may be left as a compact gravel surface at times and we ask drivers to take extra caution when traversing through the site.
The Shire will endeavour to avoid lengthy delays, however where an alternative route is possible, please consider these. Thank you for your patience.
Should you have further enquiries regarding these works, please contact the Shire’s Works Coordinator, Phillip Lantzke via [email protected] or on 0437 516 338.
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