The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Cowaramup Hall Playground Replacement

Community members are invited to be part of the Design Team to help shape the play inclusions to replace the existing equipment located adjacent to the Cowaramup Hall. 

Due to age and condition, the current Cowaramup Hall playground equipment is scheduled for renewal. This provides an opportunity for the replacement of this playspace in its entirety (inclusive of shade and play equipment).

The Shire is looking for a diverse mix of representatives from the community that includes parents, and grandparents with a maximum of ten people to be a part of the playground Design Team.

The commitment of volunteers includes attending two community workshops and completing a pre-workshop online survey on what’s important to them (and their kids, grandkids etc.).

This project has a defined budget, based on the value of the existing equipment (including shade and ground surface). This determines that the scope of the project is limited to using off-the-shelf playground components. 

Workshops with the community Design Team will be on Tuesday, 9 May and Tuesday, 23 of May from 12.30pm to 3.30pm in Cowaramup. 

The Design Team will be making choices about the type of play experience we wish to offer, types of equipment available to provide this experience, in addition to playground and shade colours and other aspects of the design.

The Cowaramup Hall playground equipment replacement is planned for implementation in 2023-2024.

This project is separate from ongoing discussions with community members about potential upgrades to an all-inclusive, nature-based playground in Pioneer Park. 

Further details will be provided to community members registered to be a part of the Design Team. Sign up to be one of the ten community participants by visiting the Cowaramup Hall Playground Replacement Your Say page.

If you have any questions in relation to this contact Susan Elton, Project Planning Officer on 9780 2512 or [email protected]
01 May 2023 Topic Type
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