Following a major review of dog exercise areas in the Shire, dog owners are urged to act responsibly and pick up after their pooches when visiting designated dog-friendly areas.
Nippers Oval within the Gloucester Park Precinct in Margaret River has been identified as a high-density dog poo area, along with Georgette Way and Narda Avenue footpaths in Prevelly.
Council’s decision to retain Nippers Oval as a Dog Exercise Area (DEA) in October last year was made with a six-month proviso; that dog owners need to pick up their dog poo or risk these areas no longer being allowed for use as off-lead dog exercise areas.
Shire Rangers are currently focusing on responsible dog ownership to help ensure compliance is met so DEAs can be retained for everyone’s enjoyment. If you're a dog owner, please make sure you pick up your dog's poo. If you share these recreational spaces and see others not doing the right thing, politely ask them to pick up after their dog to ensure these areas remain dog-friendly. DEAs currently listed are subject to change if people continue to do the wrong thing.
Shire Rangers want to continue building positive relationships with the dog owner community, and while it’s not their job to pick up poo, they are out there assisting to help preserve these areas for our furry four-legged friends. If you see a Shire Ranger, feel free to stop and have a chat. They want to help make sure all shared public spaces in the Shire can be enjoyed by lots of different users, so help them help you.
Significant non-compliance, with more than one documented complaint about dog poo being left on the oval per fortnight over the six month review period, will result in the loss of these dog-friendly zones. Dog owners are reminded that Nippers Oval is under constant CCTV surveillance and individuals who continue to act irresponsibly will be fined.