The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Firebreak and APZ Inspections Start on Friday

Safeguarding your property, safeguards the community.

From Friday, December 1, Shire Rangers will begin inspecting Firebreaks and Asset Protection Zones (APZ) to ensure local residents are prepared for the bushfire season and firefighters can safely access on properties in the event of a fire emergency.

Firebreaks should be cleared and maintained from 30 November to 12 May 2024.

Additionally, all properties in the Shire, with a house, should have an APZ. An APZ is like a safety barrier which makes it harder for a bushfire to reach a house and reduces the risk of ember attack.  It involves maintaining your gardens and reducing the amount of fuel close to your home. 

Our ranger team have provided their top 5 tips for creating a APZ. 
•    Rake up leaves, twigs, and dead material regularly.
•    Mow or slash dry grass and vegetation
•    Prune or remove trees from around the house – make sure nothing hangs over you house.
•    Clean your gutters regularly.
•    Store firewood away from your home and have a 2-metre firebreak around your wood pile.

More information about Firebreaks and a list of fire-compliance contractors can be found on our firebreak notice page, or contact Ranger Services on (08) 9780 5695.
29 Nov 2023 Topic Type
General News
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