Help Shape the Future of State Electoral Boundaries

Following a call to help shape future State electoral boundaries, Council voted for the Shire to submit a suggestion to the Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission in support of including the entire Shire local government area within the Warren-Blackwood (Electoral) District. 

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River is currently represented by two State Legislative Assembly Electorates – Vasse and Warren-Blackwood, and the proposed boundary change would allow for the communities of interest to be consolidated into a single electoral district. 

Council's role is to facilitate communications between community, the Council and the State, and Councillors want to make sure they're representing the interests of all electors, rate payers and residents in the Shire and broader community. The change would allow Council to represent the community’s interests more strongly and efficiently to the State Government united as one. 

Given the short time frame determined by the Commission to make initial suggestions, comprehensive community consultation was not practicably possible. However, there is now a two week opportunity for any member of the public to make comment on the suggestions that have already been made. 

Interested community members are encouraged to read the suggestions made, including the one submitted by the Shire, and make comments in support or opposition.

Comments must be made on the Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission website before 5pm on Monday 15 May 2023.
03 May 2023 Topic Type
Public Notice
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