The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Local Favourites Give Rec Centre Stamp of Approval

Former Margaret Recreation Centre Manager, Norma Guthrie, and long-term ‘regular’ Annie Dale have given the refurbished rec centre the thumbs up.

The pair were given an exclusive sneak-peak tour Manager Dylan Brown, and the Major Project Manager, Chris Yates (pictured) and were impressed by the refurbished centre's improvements.

It follows last month’s announcement confirming the centre will reopen on March 25, after it was closed for renovations to address the structural deterioration of the 25-year-old pool roof.  The Shire of Augusta Margaret River, who operate the centre, used the opportunity to refurbish the existing facilities to improve accessibility and deliver a contemporary, functional centre to serve the community into the future.

Norma worked for the Shire for 35 years including 17 years as the Rec Centre Manager, and the basketball courts named after her.  After the tour she said refurbishment has exceeded her expectations. 

“I was here when the pool originally opened in the late 90s, and to see the centre now is amazing. I’m so impressed by the look and feel, it is just stunning,” said Norma. 

“As the former manager of the centre it’s fantastic to hear how the improvements will reduce running costs while increasing comfort for patrons.”

The Shire expects to get the facility back from the builders later this month and the pool will start to be refilled in coming weeks. Before reopening, the building will also need be certified by relevant authorities and equipment and furniture will need to be installed.

Read how you can win $500 worth of vouchers to the Rec Centre here. 

07 Feb 2024 Topic Type
General News
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