I have some important news to share around the new direction Council is taking as we move forward with our response to recent feedback from our community.
The themes we heard through the recent survey showed that the community wants us to focus on ensuring better quality customer experiences, having clear goals about protection of the environment, working more collaboratively with the business community and increasing our response to pressures that come with a rapidly growing population. Our community is evolving quickly and the Shire will be increasing its attention on advocacy, services and infrastructure to meet the growing needs.
We have recognised this year that the current two Director model has been spreading our leadership team very thin across multiple diverse portfolio areas. A recent review was undertaken involving analysis of community feedback, benchmarking and mapping of Council’s current goals. The outcome has been that Council recently approved a new three Director model to enable the leadership team to focus more of their time on key strategic relationships and initiatives with the community. The focus for the Shire’s Director level positions has therefore been updated in alignment with the future direction we are taking.
Next week, the CEO will commence advertising for two new positions: Director Corporate and Customer Services and Director Sustainable Economy and Communities. I thank the Shire’s staff for their positive response to the refreshed approach and together we look forward to working more closely with our community to drive effective outcomes.
On a final note, I wish to acknowledge the former Director Corporate and Community Services, James Shepherd, who has now finished up at the Shire. James leaves with Council’s sincere thanks and appreciation for his service over the last three and a half years and the whole Shire team wishes James and his family all the very best for the future.