The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Preparation a Priority as Bushfire Season Nears Image: Sean Blocksidge

Are you bushfire ready? As summer approaches, it’s important to stay informed and be prepared in the event of a bushfire emergency. There are many things you can do to prepare in the lead up to high threat bushfire season. 

Register to receive SMS notifications 

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River will be using a new SMS notification system to notify residents and businesses when a Harvest Vehicle Movement Ban (HVMB) is being issued. 

A HVMB restricts the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery during certain times of the day and is put in place when our local Chief Bush Fire Control Officer identifies these activities as high risk.

To register, email [email protected] and include the following information: 
  • Subject header – SMS notifications
  • Email body – first name, surname and mobile phone number (to receive notifications)

Review and develop a bushfire plan

Now is a good time to review your bushfire plan. If you don’t have one, take the time to sit down and develop one with your friends and family. Bushfire plans can be prepared on a smartphone and easily accessed at any time. 

Develop a bushfire plan. 

Know your Fire Danger Rating (FDR)

The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS) features four simplified rating levels: Moderate, High, Extreme, Catastrophic. These ratings reflect the fire danger conditions and provide clear messages of what to do at each level. They are a prompt to act and stay safe.

More information on Fire Danger Ratings.

Stay informed 

Important messages will be communicated through the Shire’s website and Facebook page. Community members are also encouraged to monitor emergency updates via ABC South West Radio, and the DFES information line on 13 33 37
15 Oct 2022 Topic Type
General News
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